July 1, 2009

By Caris

When Amanda took me and my family to the snowpark my dad chose to have skiing lessons, but I and my brother and mother chose to go on rides and my mother bought us a hot chocolate.
The rides were the toboggan, a small tyre ride and a big tyre ride. It was –4o. To do the toboggan you have to go on a curved bord and cross your arms over your body. And to do the small tyre ride you just have to sit in a tyre and hold on to some strips. Same whith the big tyre expet it is a big slide and a big ramp.

Desert Safari
When Amanda took us on a Desert Safari we went up and down up and down and just when we got there I vomited and then came Mum and then came Étienne. We rode on a camel. They were HUGE! I ate little dumplings coverd in syrp. Yum. We saw belly dancing and one she went on a drum. She was very caerfull not to fall down. My family got called to do some. She wore shimmering *black and white*. I even got to lead a camel.
When Grandma and Grandpa toock us to the crab caching area we caute some crabs. When we let them go I was palying whith the biggest crab and he was hissing at me and one nealy nipped me.

Chilean Rose
When Anty Alison and Uncle Uli took us to the reptile park we saw lots of big and small and cute crocks and I held a baby crock and a spiky lized went on my sholder.
And even though I am terrified of even little spiders, I had a Chilean Rose, a very big and scary tarantula, on my hand!!!!!

Ice Skating
When Granny took me and Mum and my brother to the ice rink we had a lot of fun and we even lerned how to stop.

By Étienne
Dubai - the land of heat
Number 1: Snowpark
When I was at Amanda’s house we decided to go to a place called the Snowpark. It was a theme park in eternal winter. There are slides, sleds and toboggans. There was even a bar in it. I went on every ride. It was fun.
There were four rides. The first one was to slide down a curvy slide on a toboggan. The second was to pulled around in a big tyre. The next one was to be pushed down a ramp in a big tyre. The fourth one was to go down a big ramp in a tyre.
There are skiing slopes for experts and beginners.
The bar served hot drinks. The snow suits you have to wear are gigantic!
The temperature was –4oC in there.
When I came out, the temperature difference made my glasses so foggy!!
My favourite ride was the fourth one. It was exciting and scary.
I hope if you go there you will enjoy it very much. It is super fun.
I hope you go there very soon. It is a nice change from the heat.

Number 2: The Beach
Sometimes you don’t want to get wet and cool but when it feels like a sawner outside, you almost absolutely have to! If you can’t swim, collect shells instead! They come in all shapes and sizes and colours!
The bonus is to ride a camel! The only downside with that is that the camels go down really fast, front feet first. Hey! Say that fast 5 times!
The perfect pace for surfers! It is really fun when you go far out and you go up and down, no sea sickness.
If you are lucky you might see small fish.
If you are luckier you might see a pipefish; a fish with a long nose (snout).
You could relax in a hand-made sand chair.

England - the land of eternal rain
Number 1: The crowning of the May queen theme park
The last place you want to be when it’s raining is outside. But luckily it was sunny for once. There were dodgem cars, a twirler-whirler (where you get gravity to pull you to the ground and to the side) and lots more. My favourite one was the twirler-whirler. The different G-forces are cool. Caris was getting squished on the twirler-whirler.
There were ice creams, 99s (ice creams with a flake and raspberry or chocolate sauce), icy poles, sherbet sticks, lolly pops, marshmallows, sweetie snakes and lots more.
There were these boys and girls who danced in and out of each other, making striking patterns with the ribbons they held.
It was so much fun.
Number 2: The Museum
One day we decided to go to the Montrose Museum. We didn’t know where it was so we had to ask two passers-by. Everything was very cool.
There was Samurai armour, torture stuff, ships in bottles, fossils and stuffed birds. When Caris looked she said, ‘Awww, de girl!’ because she saw a duck.
My sister loooovvveeeddd the birds on display.
The best thing there was a perfect fighting boat made 100% of bone.
At the reception you could buy fossils, gems and cool toys. I bought two tribolite fossils and Caris got a half-rock, half-gem stone and a gem in the shape of a tear.
There was a statue outside of a child.
Children got to do colouring in pictures and activities.

We had been driving for 6 hours when we finally got to Bournemouth. We drove to an apartment where we have been staying for the past few days.
After that we drove to our grandparents. The next day our grandparents came and gave me and Caris some presents. Our grandparents also bought us a machine that blew lots of bubbles. Caris bought some Littlest Pet Shop toys. She loves them but you can’t buy them in Africa. I bought a pinball soccer game.
We also went to the beach and got a wonderful lunch of pasta.
After that we went crabbing and caught 7 crabs. 4 got flying lessons (aka got thrown into the sea) and 3 were poured into the ocean. We also discovered crabs can walk forwards as well as sideways.
We had a great time with Aunty Kate: she is a good friend. Also, she bought me a rechargeable torch!

Namibia – our home
Ongaipi! That’s Oshiwambo for ‘hello’.
Namibia has only got 3 temperatures: hot, very hot and freezing! Weird, huh!
Well, listen to this. In our old house in Ongwediva, it hardly ever dropped below 30oC!

Last time we were here we ‘adopted’ a 20 year old girl called Aune who has 5 sisters! We got to see her again now as she is studying in Windhoek to be a teacher.

Here area few jokes:
Q What kind of snake do you find on a car?
A A windscreen viper!
Q What kind of hippo makes armour?
A A mail hippo!
Q What kind of snake is an expert at maths?
A An adder!

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