What kind of ant is good at maths? - An accountant
What medicine would you give an ill ant? - Antibiotics!
What part of a car causes most accidents? - The nut behind the wheel
What is never seen but often changes? - A mind
Why is an old car like a baby? Because it never goes anywhere without a rattle
What gets wetter the more it dries? - A towel
Why do children have to go to school? - Because school won't come to them
Who drives away all his customers? - A taxi driver
What's quicker than a fish? - Someone who can catch them.
What is the best day to make pancakes? - Fry-day
What is a computer's first sign of old age? - Loss of memory.
What happened when the computer fell on the floor? - It slipped a disk.
Why was there a bug in the computer? - It was looking for a byte to eat.
What kind of shoes are made from banana skins? - Slippers.
What do squirrels do when they fall in love? - They go nuts!
What do you say to a cockroach? - "Stop bugging me!"
What colour is a burp? - Burple.
What kind of key can't open a door? - A donkey.
What do you call a sleeping bull? - A bulldozer.
Why is it so hard to talk to a goat? - Because the goat always butts in
What do you use to fix a broken tomato? -Tomato paste
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